by Robert Ellwood
Rutgers University Press, 1994
t was a decade like no other, and nothing has been quite the same since the
Sixties, especially in the minds of those who were there. The 1960s were many
things to many people: politics, music, drugs, extremist lifestyles all come to
mind. But above all new kinds of spirituality. This book is about the Sixties
in American religious history as a time of one of the periodical spiritual
awakenings that have swept through the nation's religious life. Indeed, the
Sixties were a time of several different yet interconnected awakenings: civil
rights, the Vatican II revolution in Roman Catholicism, the antiwar movement and
the "counterculture," the birth of new styles of evangelicalism, and much
else. In this book I attempt to narrate and interconnect these strands, linking
them to a model of American faith moving from modern to postmodern styles of
being religious (or spiritual) in that tumultuous decade.
I hope you will join me on my quest for the spiritual Sixties in this book. Read
it, and be sure to let me know what you think of it.