Tenth Edition
by Robert Ellwood and Barbara McGraw
Pearson Education, Inc., 2014
his introduction to the great religions of the world provides empathetic treatments of
tribal religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity,
Islam, new religious movements, and more. It is written to give a feel for the worship and
social life of all the world's faiths as well as a summary of doctrines. Short of boarding
a plane and traveling around the world visiting the colorful temples, mosques, shrines, and
churches of the planet's wonderful and varied spiritual traditions, reading this book is one
of the best things you can do to appreciate their offerings. There is a final chapter on
issues in religion today, and an appendix on how to study religion.
Later editions of this book, coauthored by Barbara McGraw of St. Mary' College, Moraga,
California, includes substantial new material on women in the world's religions, and on the
growing presence of all the world's faiths in the U.S. This new material definitely makes Many
Peoples, Many Faiths unique among world religion textbooks. Let me know what you think about it.
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