by Robert Ellwood
Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, 1983
re you interested in a very simple introduction to how to quiet the mind
through meditation, without sectarian overtones or making it sound as
complicated as organizing an expedition to Mars? This little book may be
of help. It describes meditation as stopping the continuous action of mind,
letting the mind take a vacation and find out who it is when it is just being
itself, pure consciousness, without thinking about anything in particular. It
talks about meditation in different settings, indoors and out, and for
different purposes. It discusses frankly some of the results that may come
from meditation, both unsettling and glorious... but the context of telling
how medition can break up the ordinary one-thing-after-another routine of
life and add color to it. The book ends by saying, "But if you're one of
those people who agree that a rainbow is better than gray overcast and is
worth a summer shower, go try it. Take up meditation and see what happens."
I hope you will do so, and will read this book and let me know what you think
about it.